Search Rooms
Search for rooms, querying name, description, and specified keywords.
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Search for rooms, querying name, description, and specified keywords.
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📘 Room Search ScopeRoom search is performed on the set of:
All rooms that the calling user is a member of (private or public, active or inactive)
All active public rooms
Private rooms that the calling user is not a member of, where the room is set to be visible in search, is active and the room does not contain any user with whom the calling user has an information barrier
Note: visit Overview for an overview of streams.
🚧 Room Description SearchThe description is only searched for hashtags and cashtags containing the search query. For example if
and the description of a room contained "foo", this room would not be returned in the search results; however, if the description contained "#foo", this room would be returned in the search results.
No. of results to skip.
Max no. of results to return. If no value is provided, 50 is the default. Must be a positive integer and must not exceed 100
Session authentication token.
Room Query Object. Used to specify the parameters for room search.
Room Query Object. Used to specify the parameters for room search.