Get distinct values of a list of filters
This endpoint returns the possible distinct values for each of the filter names provided in the "filters" parameter.
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This endpoint returns the possible distinct values for each of the filter names provided in the "filters" parameter.
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The scope of the filter values is restricted with the same type of filters we use to restrict the list of Audit Trail Events we retrieve in the /audits endpoint. Beware that a given filter may be included, rather in the list of filters, rather included in the filter restrictions.E.g: we can search the distinct "action" values, or we can search for the values of other filters for a given "action=sentMessage"
This operation returns the possible distinct values for each of the filter names provided in the "filters" parameter. The scope of the filter values is restricted with the same type of filters we use to restrict the list of Audit Trail Events we retrieve in the /audits endpoint. Beware that a given filter may be included, rather in the list of filters, rather included in the filter restrictions. E.g: we can search the distinct "action" values, or we can search for the values of other filters for a given "action=sentMessage". This operation returns only audits for the categories the requester is entitled to.
Names of the filters for which we want to retrieve their distinct values
start range date restriction. Date must be formatted the following way: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'
end range date restriction. Date must be formatted the following way: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'
List of Audit Trail categories restriction
"Affected User Id" filter single value restriction
"Originating User Id" filter single value restriction (a.k.a. "Performed by)"
"Action Id" filter single value restriction
"Attribute" filter single value restriction
"Group Id" filter single value restriction (used by Info barrier, Role Scope...)
"Authorization Role" filter single value restriction
"Stream Id" filter single value restriction (using either Base64 or Base64URL encoding)
"Policy Id" filter single value restriction
"Application Id" filter single value restriction
"Temporary Authorization Id" filter single value restriction
"Disclaimer Id" filter single value restriction