Create App
Creates a new application.
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Creates a new application.
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Please note to use either:
attribute when using a certificate
or authenticationKeys
object when using RSA Public Key
🚧 Roles and PrivilegesCalling this endpoint requires the Super Administrator or User Provisioning role. See Bot Permissions for a list of roles and associated privileges.
📘 RSA Application AuthenticationFor more information on how to authenticate an application using RSA, refer to App Authentication.
Session authentication token.
Required information for creating an application.
{"appId":"my-test-app","name":"my-test-app","appUrl":"","domain":"","publisher":"Joe Smith"}
Url to a icon to use for app. Must start with "https://".
Description of the application.
a test app
The permitted domains to send or receive a request from. The field is for the purpose of CORS which set the app specific "ALLOW-ORIGIN-DOMAINS" header in HTTP.
List of application permissions provisioned for the application. In addition to the known ones, custom permissions are accepted. A custom permission should only contain upper case alphanumeric characters and underscore. It should not be empty or only contain spaces and its length is limited to 64 characters.
Known permissions:
The app public certificate in pem format.
App RSA keys information.
Application callback information
Application configuration properties that are shared with the extension application, client side. Do not store sensitive information here. Since SBE 20.14.